Saturday, February 23, 2008

Movies again!

After doing my little movie analysis I decided that in terms of viewing, I am sorely lacking in the old movie category. I think that (maybe) for a person my age I've done pretty well with some of the older "classics" but I still have a lot to see. This weekend's snowy weather has made me want to hunker down with some oldies and craft. Of course I have a pile of work to do and my room is disgusting (it needs to be vacuumed something fierce) but I am determined to have a "fun day" tomorrow (a day in which I do nothing responsible or school- or work-related) with perhaps a sewing machine and lots of tea.

Here's what I picked up at the library: All About Eve, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Wuthering Heights (1939), The Apartment, and though I've seen it a million times The African Queen. Yay! I am contemplating a Netflix subscription so I can really start to fill in the gaps in my movie knowledge, though you really can't beat the library and how it's free.

Sigh. Back to Biology. Wasps. Ugh*

*even though I am bitter about bio and wasps (perhaps because a bee that looked very much like the one above stung me 5 times on the bottom of the foot when I was a kid?), check out this guy's photos. I found the pic above here, and the rest of his photos are amazing! I guess that's why I'm truly a scientists; while I hate the professor studying them, and I hate reading about all the boring sh*t they do, I look at these pictures and still marvel and the wonder of wasps and all of their bug friends. Cool.


everything and nothing said...

All About Eve!
"You have a point. An idiotic one, but a point."
"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night."

Al said...

"Many of your guests have been wondering when they may be permitted to view the body. Where has it been laid out?"

It's a fantabulous movie!

everything and nothing said...

"You're maudlin and full of self-pity. You're magnificent!"

Good luck at the doctor's today.