Thursday, June 28, 2007


Now for those of you who've read this blog, you know I love the Flickr community. I SWEAT Seriously. And no, it's not because my gorilla picture went in their book, it's for so many other reasons, like the fact that a random guy from India friended me and now I look at his pictures almost every day and they're freakin' gorgeous, or the fact that people who have photogroups like "the world of birds" troll the site looking for photographs of species that haven't been represented in their group and invite you to add your picture. Flickr rocks, and whatever it cost me to become a "pro" member was money incredibly well spent.

That being said...................the people on it are dirrrrrrrrty.

Here's the thing - for the most part, unless my photo is part of a big group, somewhere between 1-6 people look at the pictures I post there, with the occasional photo being more popular for whatever reason. Yesterday I put up crazy photos of my sister and I jumping on the dock up New Hampshire. I have to admit they were pretty cool:
And I even got a comment on one right away. I was a bit surprised though when I clicked on "popular" (it tells you your most popular shots) that this one was already on the list with 41 views. 41 views in a day?? I am not one of the "cool kids" on flickr whose photos get hundreds of views in a day, so I was shocked at 41. Then I realized that I had titled this one "Nice Underwear" because the teensiest bit of underwear is sticking out of my pants. Which means that people who typed in a search for "underwear" got this shot included in their results, and that's why 41 people clicked on it. Jesus. If I knew that was a way to boost popularity I'd name my pictures things like "naked" and "vagina" instead of what they actually are....but I think that might gain the wrong kind of popularity, LOL. Oh well.

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