I don't need to gloat about this one, we broke the curse 3 years ago and that was a time for gloating. This is a time for some quick celebrating and then back to business. I do want to take a moment to recognize my personal Red Sox hero, John Lester. Most of you know that I work for a cancer hospital here in Boston. What you may or may not know is that I work specifically with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Last year, Lester was diagnosed with Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, what we call ALCL, one of the rarer t-cell forms of NHL. His specific histology (ALK+) plus his young age made for a favorable prognosis, but still it's cancer and therefore scary as frickin hell. Because I'm in the lymphoma field and love the Red Sox I decided that I would become an official John Lester fan. When I heard that he was cancer-free and coming back to play baseball I was psyched. Awesome! He pitched well in all of his games and it was wonderful to see him back on the mound. Before the series started I trekked to Fenway to try and buy a John Lester shirt. "Lester?" the guy said "we don't even carry him" "YES YOU DO" I said "Number 31 right there" The guy looked casually at the mountain of blue shirts behind him and said "yeah....uh, we're sold out" LIAR!!! I got nowhere with him and bought a Man Ram shirt instead. Even so, last night I was pulling for Lester. While Papelbon (Awesome, crazy Papelbon) closed it out in the end, it was my man John Lester who started the game and ultimately got the win.
I love this picture that Jed Jacobsohn captured of him and his parents:

And while I do love this heartwarming moment with his parents, I mostly posted this pic cause his girlfriend is too hot for my blog. LOL.
So yes, the Series is over and won, people are getting their furniture refunds and life is getting back to normal.
I would like to personally thank the Red Sox for extending their season so I could have an excuse to sit in front of the TV for an obscenely long amount of time each night and knit my ridiculously over-achieving ISE 5 scarf, which will be up on the ISE 5 blog later tonight, it's called the "Angel Pearls Beaded Scarf" It's slightly ridiculous but soooo done.
So good job team, good job John Lester, you all EARNED IT!!! :D
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